Get Beggor Wrap Around Retainers To Get The Best Smiles!

If you have uneven teeth and are looking for a better orthodontic retainer, you should consider the Begg Appliance. The Begg appliance is a great choice for those who don’t want to go through the lengthy and costly process of braces. This appliance is also known as a fixed functional appliance and is used to correct a misaligned bite or crowded teeth. Stages of Begg appliances: • The first stage involves the fitting of the appliance. This will involve your orthodontist taking an impression of your teeth and making a mold of them. This mold is used to make the appliance fit your mouth perfectly. • The second stage involves the fitting of the brackets which are attached to your teeth. These brackets will be adjusted to apply gentle pressure to the teeth to provide better alignment. • Finally, the third stage involves the activation of the appliance. This involves applying pressure to the brackets to move your teeth into their desired position. Once this is complete, you...